Glen Braes duffy role model assembly
On monday 19 th we had a duffy role model assembly. The whole school came to the assembly. We were all waiting for our guest to arrive. We were all waiting quietly.
When she arrived she came with the school leaders aliyanah , loto and luisa.first loto introduced our guest niva retimanu. Niva retimanu lives in invercargill. She is a samoan but she was born in new zealand. She is a journalist a news reporter. After that luisa thanked her.
Then she read us a story called kiss kiss yuck yuck. And then after that we gave out the duffy books. The person that got the book from are class was candice. After they handed out the books we sang the duffy book song.
After the duffy role model assembly i felt happy and great because i liked the story she read and i liked singing the duffy song.
good job kue'a