Tuesday, 25 February 2020


Monday, 17 February 2020


Thursday, 13 February 2020

Water fun day

This week our school had water fun day. It is a day where everyone brings clothes that is the colur of there house and they do different kind of activities that unclude water. First we assembled at the courts for our house groups. Our house groups are Nikau , kowhai , Rata and Kauri. Everyone was dressed in there house colours. Rata came to the courts chanting as they sat down. One of the activities was a water slide and one was free time in the pool. After that every house did there chants and spraying people with water gun things. Next they told us what activity we were going to, we went to the pools. 

After we went to the pools we we went to our next activity with Miss Smith and her student teacher also named Miss Smith. This activity we had to get water balloon and throw to the person in front and then you just keep going until the last person when it gets back to the thrower they have to put the water balloon in the bucket and go with a cup of water and fill up the house buckets.

 Next we went Miss kyee and her activity. for this activity you just fill up the cup and dodge some things and go fill up the bucket.

Then we went to Mr Nath's activity. His one the same but the cups have holes and you have get to the bucket before the water wastes.

We went to the water slide which was my favourite. you have to slide down with a cup of water and when you get down you fill up the house bucket.

Our last activity was called Spongebob. you have to dip a sponge in a bucket and go over under when it gets to the last person you have to go and squeeze the water in to the bucket.

Ater all our acticivties we went back onto the court. Kowhai came last kauri came third Rata cam secon and Nikau came first.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020


Today we had Kiwican and there theme was Positive Relationship and there topic was Fair Play. First we did a energizer called 21 the rules are you have to say only two number when its your turn, you cant tell the other people in your team. The girls won the first game.

Next we played a activity called human bowling. the rules are you cant flinch if the ball is coming to you or you cant move. the boys won this game but it was a tie so they played a game decider called end of the road. They boys were winning at first but the girls caught up and they won.

Then we ended the lesson doing the catchphrase.