Tuesday, 13 October 2020

What I learnt at Kiwican

 Today at Kiwican we did an activity called Heads up, the first game my brother Viliami won and the second game the other Viliami Vili t won the last game I came second place to Kalo. After  we talked about our topic respecting our school.

What we learnt from our topic was to respect our school property and to be good  at school so when you go to college they will put you into the best classes. After we did another activity where we have to try and not do the same actions but it is specific actions in the last game I managed to win so I felt good.

After that we ended up with GKQ but we did it line by line. The first group Ngakiri won and the second group I was the winner the  third group Dwyane won, In the last group Ezekiel won. Then all the winners had to verse and Ezekiel won.

Tuesday, 15 September 2020

Volume and capacity


1. ML , L , KL

2. 1000 , 1000

3. 1,500 ml

4. 5 

5. bathtub

6. True

7. 5

8. spa pool

9. 40

10.Rugby field

Friday, 4 September 2020

Act of kindness

 Today we did a activity called act of kindness. act of kindness is a kind of like secret Santa where we had to chose out of a bowl that had lots of names and you get that person something good. the person I got was my friend Ezekiel and I got him bag of snickers. And the person who got me was Ngakiri and she gave m&ms, maltesers , kitkat and chocolate bar.

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Supermans brother

 One day there were two brothers on a planet called Krypton and it was about to be destroyed so their parents Put them in these escape pods and shot them into space before the planet was destroyed. One brother crashed on to a planet called Earth, and the other brother crashed on a planet that was deserted. The brother on earth crashed into a farm and was found by two people and named him Clark joseph kent he. He figured out that he had powers and he learnt how to use it. And his brother Karl was all alone in a deserted planet filled with space trash but he figured out he had powers as well.

Karl spent his days on the deserted planet training and learning how to use his powers. After a while  he felt lonely and took off to find another planet that had lots of people. He checked every planet in the solar system until he found planet earth. When he went down to earth he flew all around the world looking at all the people. He stopped because he saw people watching the news and it was about superman saving someone, that when he found out that he had a brother. So Karl flew as fast as he could trying to find where he was. Finally he found supermans town that he was protecting, he flew to his house and knocked on his door. Super man opened the door and said “can I help you then karl said “ I think your my brother. Super man said to prove it so karl stepped away from the his house and flew really high and came back super man said “ you really are my brother and then he said you can call me Clark.

After that they hung out doing stuff with there powers. Karl told him that he was all alone on a deserted planet. Super man told him that he can stay with him and he wouldn’t have to go back to that deserted planet.

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Crusaders win super rugby aotearoa

The Crusaders won  super rugby aotearoa against the highlanders 32 - 22. The highlanders were leading nearly the whole game but the crusaders came back with three tries to put them in the front.

Super Rugby Aotearoa: Crusaders claim title with stunning comeback ...

Friday, 24 July 2020


Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Corona virus poem


The corona took over the human race
It kept coming case to case

Because of corona there was a lockdown
Couldn't see my friends which made me frown

Stayed at home couldn't go for a run
Played with my family which was really fun

Man the lockdown took a while
When it was finish it made me smile

So happy I could go back to school
I can see my teacher and my friends which was cool

When it came to lunch time we had to stay 2 metres away

But we were still allowed to play.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Math's by Walter

Today I had to work out the area of the swimming. pool and soccer field and the cafe. 
My strategy is
200m + 300m +150 m + 180m + 150m + 300m + 220m = 1500 = 1.5km

Maths solving

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Monday, 22 June 2020

Math's activity - Walter

Today in class I worked on this problem and I had to find the perimeter of this triangle. This was my strategy.
5cm + 4cm + 3cm = 12cm.

A math's activity- created by Walter

Today I worked on a math's problem which I had to find the perimeter of a parallelogram.
This is how I solved it.
3.5 + 3.5 = 7
5.5 +5.5 = 11
11 + 7 = 18 m squared

Friday, 19 June 2020

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Writing group reflections.

Today for writing my group Tuhi mai had a group discussion about  the benefits of how to grow a winter vegetable garden. And we also learnt that you can still grow vegetables if you cut  the end of the vegetable, and you can also use ice cream containers to grow vegetables. And our group has to work on making our own winter garden. On youtube there are advertisement tha can help you grow a winter garden.

Friday, 5 June 2020

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Freehand drawing - LeBron James

Today, I freehand drew LeBron 
James on chrome canvas 
for the smart learners 

Monday, 27 April 2020

My shaped Killer whale

Today I made a Killer whale only using 
shapes and lines on google drawing for the smart learners 

Friday, 24 April 2020

Portrait #Mickey mouse

This is another portrait that me and my brother made on a gangster mickey mouse.

Friday, 3 April 2020



Today our teacher gave us some general knowledge 
questions that we  had so solve. I got 26/32, it was pretty fun 
taking the quiz.


This is a portrait that I made myself on google drawing it is on a famous DJ called 

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Portrait 5#

Portrait 4#

This another portrait that I myself made about Goku he is really cool.

Portrait 3#

This is a portrait that me and my friend Richie made  this is on LeBron James.

Portrait 2#

This is a portrait that I made myself it is on my favorite basketball player Kevin Durant. 

Portrait 1#

2# aniamtion


Wednesday, 11 March 2020


Today we tried to solve some emoji math problems. So I decided to make my own emoji math problems for you to solve

Thursday, 5 March 2020

More,sentence starters

My sentence starters:
1. I trained for the Olympics

2. After school, I played on my PS4. Near the school somone was walking

3. Who didn't brush there teeth?. Have you showerd today?

4. Walking, there was some scary dogs.

5. Frightend by the lightning, The kids hid in there blankets

6.Finally, the movie was over.

Islands global warming

Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Monday, 2 March 2020

Learning,sentence starters

Today Room 7 learnt about sentence starters. First we watched a you tube video about sentence starters. Some of the sentence starters are ed and ing. After the you tube video we wrote our own sentence using the starters.
My sentence:
1.  Carefully, I walked passed some angry dogs.

2.  I ran , after waking pass the angry dogs.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020


Monday, 17 February 2020


Thursday, 13 February 2020

Water fun day

This week our school had water fun day. It is a day where everyone brings clothes that is the colur of there house and they do different kind of activities that unclude water. First we assembled at the courts for our house groups. Our house groups are Nikau , kowhai , Rata and Kauri. Everyone was dressed in there house colours. Rata came to the courts chanting as they sat down. One of the activities was a water slide and one was free time in the pool. After that every house did there chants and spraying people with water gun things. Next they told us what activity we were going to, we went to the pools. 

After we went to the pools we we went to our next activity with Miss Smith and her student teacher also named Miss Smith. This activity we had to get water balloon and throw to the person in front and then you just keep going until the last person when it gets back to the thrower they have to put the water balloon in the bucket and go with a cup of water and fill up the house buckets.

 Next we went Miss kyee and her activity. for this activity you just fill up the cup and dodge some things and go fill up the bucket.

Then we went to Mr Nath's activity. His one the same but the cups have holes and you have get to the bucket before the water wastes.

We went to the water slide which was my favourite. you have to slide down with a cup of water and when you get down you fill up the house bucket.

Our last activity was called Spongebob. you have to dip a sponge in a bucket and go over under when it gets to the last person you have to go and squeeze the water in to the bucket.

Ater all our acticivties we went back onto the court. Kowhai came last kauri came third Rata cam secon and Nikau came first.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020


Today we had Kiwican and there theme was Positive Relationship and there topic was Fair Play. First we did a energizer called 21 the rules are you have to say only two number when its your turn, you cant tell the other people in your team. The girls won the first game.

Next we played a activity called human bowling. the rules are you cant flinch if the ball is coming to you or you cant move. the boys won this game but it was a tie so they played a game decider called end of the road. They boys were winning at first but the girls caught up and they won.

Then we ended the lesson doing the catchphrase.