Friday, 29 March 2019

" Key words" reflection

Identify - a key word is a quotation mark that shows what the key word is. We use key words when we are finding the number of hits of the key word. 

Wednesday, 27 March 2019


what i learned today in math is decimals. what was interesting for me in math was learning with place value and learning how much decimal points are important.

Friday, 22 March 2019



key word means the main topic of the subject,story or a writing. key words help you by telling you about the main topic so you get the idea. when I went on my web res I was searching something for my research I got so many hits. the key word is like if you search up rugby the key words are the words that compare with rugby things.

Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Tuesday, 12 March 2019


Toitoi is a book filled with lots of other kids writing and illustration. Toitoi is fun to read because there lots of true or narrative stories. Toitoi is working with PWC but there  not in the same company. 

PWC is a company the goes to peoples school to teach them about financial literacy. 

my favorite story is called a narrow escape by Nathan Tims , illustrated by Ryan James. my favorite text from the story was when Reece said "hey, butt face".

Thursday, 7 March 2019


Photos are important because if your reading a book to children and your talking about a character they won’t know what the character looks like. Photos are important so parents know what you are doing. Photos are important to show what you look like and information about your life. Photos are important because you can look back to the past and your old memories. Photos are important because they remind you of things, people, places and feelings. Photos are important because without photos you remember things if you want to look back to the past.

Photos are important because when there's someone that was in photo of the past they would be brought up and talked around so this person won’t be forgotten. Photos are important because they are your old memories that your gonna keep forever. Photo ar not important because there might be bad photos about you on the internet.
Photo are important but not all the time only when a good time to take a photo when your in the future you can look at the photos from the past and then react to it you might cry , be sad , or sob and you can sell old photos depending on how long it been in the worlds time.

Photos are important Because they show a lot of good memories and that you won’t forget about you and your family having good times together in the past. Photos are important because if you forget who you are and who is your family you can look at your old memories you can remember who you are.

Photos are important because they become very valuable and then they are memories.