Friday, 21 September 2018

First aid

                                                                     First aid

on monday we went to a session called first aid. the teacher there was called rob he tought us this drsabc d stands for danger r stands for response s stands for send for help a stands for airway b stands for breathing c stands for circulation

Life Education

                                                   Life Education
On Tuesday we had our first life education lesson in a caravan. First we talked about  the things that worried us and we rote it down on a sheet of paper. This was a group activity.

Our second session was on Wednesday. We  talked about social,  physical and emotional changes  our bodies went through as we grew up from being a child to adolescence.  We all were given these cards that had the statements about  emotional , social and  physical changes in our body. We had to place these statements in the correct places on the wall that had the three labels on it.

On Thursday  we had our last session. In this session  we talked about  how our brain sends signals to different parts of the body when we are in danger.  The amygdala is like a little warrior in our brain that detects danger and sends signals to the body  and it makes us stronger.
Image result for nicole fonua

This is Nicole Fonua. She is a Life Education tutor who took our three sessions.

By Tu'inukue'a