Thursday, 20 December 2018

SLJ-Week 1 day 1 activity 1

WEEK 1: A Place to Stand

Welcome to the first week of the Summer Learning

 Journey. For our first week, we are going to be learning all about the land habitats

 here in Aotearoa New Zealand. It is going to be a great adventure!

DAY 1: In the Beginning...

Activity 1: The Legend of New Zealand

 [4 points]According to Māori mythology, much of Aotearoa New Zealand

 was formed when Māui, a powerful demigod, fished it out of the sea. Legend has it that Māui

created a magical fish hook from the jawbone of his grandmother and that one day he took his

hook, boarded a boat, and rode out into the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Once at sea,

he threw his magical

 hook into the water

and caught a fish. This ‘fish’ was actually the North Island of New

 Zealand! In honour of this legend, the North Island of New Zealand is sometimes

 referred to as Te Ika a Māui or ‘Māui’s fish’ and

 the South Island of New Zealand is sometimes referred to as Te Waka

 a Māui or ‘Māui’s canoe

’.To learn more cool facts about New Zealand,

check out the Tourism NZ website.

Read the fun facts posted on the website and choose your ‘Top 3.’ On your blog,

 post your

‘Top 3 Fun Facts’ about NZ in your own words.

1. New zealands name in maori is aotearoa it means land of the long white cloud

2. New zealanders are called kiwis. It is a bird that cant fly. It is a native bird.

3.  In this country there is no snakes

Friday, 2 November 2018

Friday, 19 October 2018

Library bus

I was very excited to go to the library bus for the first time. At the bus we were introduced to Erica and her friend Bret they were both librarians. After we went inside the bus and went up the stairs. Then she told us where the books were. There were fiction books , non fiction book. After she talked to us she said we were only allowed to take two books.

Mr nath was called us one by one to get our library cards.We only had 20 minutes to pick two books. We were looking at all the books , we were also reading them at the same time. After me and  Tupou found a joke book and we were telling jokes to people. It was time to go and every one chose there books but me so i chose two goosebumps my first choice was the werewolf from fever swamp and the scream of the haunted mask.

This was very fun and cool because we got to see some of our favourite book and i cant wait to come back next month to choose more books.

Friday, 21 September 2018

First aid

                                                                     First aid

on monday we went to a session called first aid. the teacher there was called rob he tought us this drsabc d stands for danger r stands for response s stands for send for help a stands for airway b stands for breathing c stands for circulation

Life Education

                                                   Life Education
On Tuesday we had our first life education lesson in a caravan. First we talked about  the things that worried us and we rote it down on a sheet of paper. This was a group activity.

Our second session was on Wednesday. We  talked about social,  physical and emotional changes  our bodies went through as we grew up from being a child to adolescence.  We all were given these cards that had the statements about  emotional , social and  physical changes in our body. We had to place these statements in the correct places on the wall that had the three labels on it.

On Thursday  we had our last session. In this session  we talked about  how our brain sends signals to different parts of the body when we are in danger.  The amygdala is like a little warrior in our brain that detects danger and sends signals to the body  and it makes us stronger.
Image result for nicole fonua

This is Nicole Fonua. She is a Life Education tutor who took our three sessions.

By Tu'inukue'a

Monday, 27 August 2018


Digital Immersion

Today, room 10 went to a session called Digital immersion with Gary. We learnt how to programme a robot to move from one place to another, and we learnt how to speak robot it was called binary. And we learnt how bug and debug.

Friday, 17 August 2018

the BAD GUYS 😼

Image result for bad guys episode 6
Main charactars: mr wolf , pirahana , shark , mr snake , legs
, dr marmalade
and agent fox
Favourite charactars: legs
Author: Aaron blabey

My favourite book is called the bad guys the charactars are
mr wolf , pirahana , shark , mr snake , legs , dr marmalade and
agent fox. My favourite charactar was legs he is a spider.
The author is Aaron blabey.

2D and 3D

we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes2D shapes
Image result for Hexagon




3 sides

5 sides

6 sides

8 sides

4 sides





Maths term 3 - week 3

For maths we have been learning about how to change mixed numbers into
fraction or fractions into mixed numbers.

Friday, 10 August 2018

Solar system

                    The Solar system
Our  solar system is a collection of eight planets and their
moons in orbit around the sun. The solar system is 4.568 billion
years old. In the solar system it has a star called the sun. the planets are mercury , venus , earth , mars , jupiter , saturn , uranus and

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. mercury is 4.503 billion
years old. Mercury is the most cratered planet in the solar system.
Mercury is made of iron.

Venus is the second planet from the sun. venus is the hottest
planet in the solar system. Venus looks just like earth but it rotates
the other way. Venus has an atmosphere but it is thicker than earth's atmosphere.

Earth is the planet that we all live on. The earth is the only
planet that you can live on. Earth is the third planet from the sun.
it is the only planet that can give air.

Mars is called the red planet. Mars is the fourth planet from
the sun. mars has the largest mountain in the solar system called
Olympus Mons.

Jupiter  is the biggest planet in the solar system. It is the fifth
planet from the sun. Jupiter has the biggest storms in the solar system.
Jupiter is a huge gas giant.

Fun time with friends

          Fun Time with friends

Today room 10 went on the courts to play volleyball for kiwi sports.

First we did our streching and a game of volleyball we were split up into 4 teams it was me , Saia , Lewis , Candice and Francesca. The first team we vs was Anastacia,s team it was easy they got no points.

Next we vs mathew,s team it was a close game but we still lost to them. They were a hard team. We went to practise a new skill it was called setting. We practised ten times.

After we did a volleyball tournement. We went back to the same teams the first team we vs was mathew,s team we tried our hardest to beat them but they still won.then we vs aj,s team and we won. Then we vs mathew,s team again and finally won to them. The last game we vs mahoney ,s team we had 3 minutes left we had a hard but we were tied up it was 8 all but then Candice scored the last point and we won.

At the end lewis said a thank you. We all had fun at our second volleyball lesson.

How to make things glow in the dark ?

Yesterday we did science intensive in room 7 with Mrs Tofa we were learning how things glow in the dark. The materials we needed to use are.
- cup
- water 
- high lighter ink
- tape 
- phone
- purple and blue marker 

1. First we filled the cup halfway with water.
2. We put the highlighter ink inside. the colours were orange , green , yellow and pink
3. Miss card and Mrs Tofa put tape on the camera an colour it purple and blue to make a black light.
4. we went into a dark room and shined the black light to the cup and the cup started to glow.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Birthday parties

On the holidays we celebrated my sister's 21st birthday. All my cousins, my brothers and sisters friends came to celebrate her birthday. Everybody brought food. It was fun eating food with everyone.

Then my cousins, my brothers and I played fortnite on my brothers Ps4. After that we went down stairs for praying. After the prayer we sang happy birthday to my sister, we ate and partied.

A couple of weeks later we celebrated my grandma's  70th birthday. First we stayed at our coaches house playing fortnite. Then we went to the Marist premiers game, we were the ball boys. After that we went to our grandma's house and we sang happy birthday to my grandma.  She cut the cake, we all ate and watched movies. 

We had such a wonderful time with our grandma and our whole family.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Pricewatershouse coopers

Monday to Thursday the pricewaterhouse coopers came to our school to teach
us how to be trustworthy and how to save your money.
I hope that pricewaterhouse
coopers come back to our school to teach us more about saving money and how to borrow.

Friday, 18 May 2018

room 10 2018 blogs

                                      SAILING TRIP

On tuesday the 15th of May , went on a trip to okahu bay for sailing.
Some of room 10 went and some of room 9 and 7 went.

First of all a man named justin showed us all how to set
up a sailing boat , then we did what he did.

After we pushed the boats in the water and starte to sail.
After we put the boats in the water we started to do to races
around the shore.

After we went off for lunch. After lunch we went back on our boats.
Then we were going very far it was scary because it was so deep
and we thought we were going to drown but we made it back to shore.

After we went off to change into are warm close.
And the my sister Telesia thanked the instructors.

Friday, 2 March 2018

Holi festival


Thursday, 1 March 2018

Finding out about each other ?

 Finding out about each other

Our class is doing activities about the 2018 New Zealand census. Today we investigated about the languages spoken in our class. This is what we found out
1.What languages do i speak. ?
2.what languages do i speak at home. ?
English Tongan
3. How many of us speak Maori. ?
4. How many of us speak one languages. ?
6 many of us speak more than one languages. ?
17-English Maori Samoan Tongan CI Maori Fijian Hindi

Friday, 16 February 2018

term 1 goals

term 1 goals

  • i want improve  two sub levels
  • i want to get good grades 
  • i want be high in maths

new events

 new events
last Wednesday we had our first day of school mrs elia provided us in to different classes

we had are first swimming lesson with Mrs Elia .we did backstrokes paddling.we had people from other classes swimming with us

 We were supposed to have water fun day but it was cancelled because of the bad weather instead we had swimming.

And on Monday we had music lesson with Mr Kim we
used triangles maracas drums cacklers.

on Tuesday we had our first day of kiwi can. we played fun games and talked
about encouragement.

on Thursday we had our kiwi sport we were playing volleyball. we
practised passing and ready possession.